
About CLIRadio

Pure Nostalgia – 60’s, 70’s & 80’s Classics With A Twist

Hello, my name is David D. Doerrier. I run this internet radio station called Classic Long Island Radio, playing all the unforgettable classics from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s… with a twist.

This is Album-Oriented Rock (AOR) at its best, a treasure chest of selected hits from the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s, excellent LP tracks and deep cuts, some obscure. And it’s 100% Commercial-Free—just music, music, music.

Classic Rock – Without Commercials

10,000+ songs on the playlist were recorded and released in the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. If you’re a baby boomer or simply love the music of the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s era, tune in for a rock-fueled voyage of discovery.

Curated With Passion

I find the music others forgot. Every song is carefully chosen based on the era and the sound. If the song does not pass my critical ear, it won’t make it on the air at Classic Long Island Radio.

David Doerrier Headshot

David Doerrier
Program Director/Owner

K57 Radio GuamWhy ‘Classic Long Island’ Radio? 

60’s and 70’s Radio on Long Island, New York, was the soundtrack of my youth. Listen to Classic Long Island Radio for just 20-minutes and i’ll take you back there.

My Radio Journey

Growing up with stations on LI such as WBAB, WNBC, WABC, and WNEW, fueled the passion in me to explore how I can make being a radio DJ a career. I got my start in radio at K57 in the early 80’s while stationed with the USAF on Guam. This would be the start of an exciting 12-year broadcasting career that had me working at stations in northern California, Houston, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia.

Sharing The Passion 

Sharing the finest 60’s, 70’s & 80’s Jazz, Rock, R&B, and Blues – a massive library of LP’s and deep cuts from familiar artists and awe-inspiring unknowns from the era.

A Critical Ear Makes The Music Unique

Creating this station has been a labor of love. The sound is different than any other classic rock station. Anybody can find and play only the hits from the ’60s, ’70s & ’80s. That’s too Easy! It takes research, time, and passion to dig through and listen to thousands of hidden gems buried in the bowels of the internet.

Listen, Love, Share

Rediscover the best rock music of an unforgettable era. Experience the soundtrack of your life – maybe for the first time.  Share the love with your friends. Tune in now!

David KUAM Radio Guam

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Quotes by Famous Musicians
From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.
Will Durant
Will Durant
AOR Classics 60's & 70's-white Logo

Thank you for supporting Classic Long Island Radio! When you give to CLIRadio.com, you are helping to bring commercial free Album Oriented Rock from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s into the hearts and minds of listeners around the globe.